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Why Should I Study for a Master's Degree?

Time:2018-07-02 21:52:00


After three years of slaving away for a bachelor's degree, the traditional route is to get a job and work your way up the career ladder.

After three years of slaving away for a bachelor's degree, the traditional route is to get a job and work your way up the career ladder. Many shy away from a master's because they think it's another one or two more years of slaving. Whilst yes, this is true in that you will have at least another year of studying ahead of you, the returns to your effort are often much greater than if you go straight into work.

Let's talk money…

These 10 careers deliver a wage premium if you are a master's holder:


Wage Premium (%)


Business Manager



Web Designer



Database Administrator



Managing Partner



Marketing Director



University Programme Director



Financial Advisor



Graphic Designer



General Manager



Software Engineer


Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/media/10-careers-where-a-masters-degree-pays-off/

You will notice that a master's in subjects areas like computer science and business/management lead the ranks, resulting in higher wages at entry level and/or rapid career progression. Say you are looking to change your occupation or gain entry to a specific profession, the most straightforward way to prove you've got what it takes is to show them your master's certification, which may be in a different subject than your first degree. Economists have studied the wage profiles for graduates and find that on average master's holders can earn 29% more if they are men and 55% more if they are women. Further to that, your opportunities are expanded with every step forward.

It's like moving from Sunday league football to the Premier League…

unemployment rate.jpg

Simply put, a large majority in the workforce today are university graduates. A bachelor's degree is a basic qualification you are expected to have. Some jobs specify a master's qualification as an entry requirement, but where they don't, a master's demonstrates your dedication to an intensive pursuit of higher knowledge. In the UK, master's degrees are shorter than in any other country but come with the elite prestige of a UK degree. In other words, having a master's qualification sets you one level above the rest and places you onto a whole new playing field. 

The student is now the master…

In 12 to 18 months, which is the standard length of a UK master's degree, the array of skills you gain are both technical and a testament to your character. As an international student, your move to study abroad on its own is a display of your courage to go the extra mile in achieving your goals. The words '…conferred a master’s degree in…' encompasses the specialised training you received in your subject area, the hours you have put into research and your analytical skills in interpreting your findings, knowledge that you have gained on this journey, and maturity that was not there before. Essentially, what you're doing is sharpening the skills you have and building up new skills you had not had before.


Ask and you shall receive…

A master's degree gives you the time and space to seek answers and develop knowledge into your area of interest. There’s an aspect of altruism to this: the research you produce could spark interest in another person or community to learn more about what's close to your heart.  If you've just completed your bachelor's and your idea of what you want to do is quite broad, taking up a master's can be a guide into what areas you are passionate about and engage you intellectually.

They say it's not about the piece of paper, but what you do to get it and what you do with it after. Of course, you have to be on the way to getting it or already have it to do something with it. Whatever your motivation to study a master's degree, begin your journey with ApplicationUK. Speak to our counsellors today and search for the right university for you.