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The University of Hull is a public university, founded in 1927, located in Kingston upon Hull, a city in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. The main university campus is located in Hull and there is a smaller campus in Scarborough on the North Yorkshire coast. The main campus is home to the Hull York Medical School, a joint initiative with the University of York. Students are served by Hull University Union. The University's Brynmor Jones Library was the workplace of the poet Philip Larkin who served as its Head Librarian for over thirty years. The Philip Larkin Society organises activities in remembrance of Larkin including the Larkin 25 festival which was organised during 2010 in partnership with the University. The Library was also the workplace of former poet laureate Andrew Motion. Lord Wilberforce was chancellor of the University from 1978 until 1994. Robert Armstrong was the chancellor from 1994 to 2006. Virginia Bottomley was installed as the current chancellor in April 2006. Alumni of the University of Hull are especially prominent in the fields of politics, academia, journalism and drama. They include former MP and later Deputy Prime Minister Lord Prescott (John Prescott), former MP and Deputy Leader of the Labour Party Lord Hattersley (Roy Hattersley), politician and author Chris Mullin, social scientist Lord Giddens (Anthony Giddens), poet Roger McGough, journalist John McCarthy and film director, playwright and screenwriter Anthony Minghella. The foundation stone of University College Hull, then an external college of the University of London, was laid in 1927 by Prince Albert, the Duke of York (who later became king as George VI). The college was built on land donated by Hull City Council and by two local benefactors, Thomas Ferens and G F Grant. A year later the first 14 departments, in pure sciences and the arts, opened with 39 students. The college at that time consisted of one building, now named the Venn building (after the mathematician John Venn, who was born in Hull). The building now houses the administrative centre of the university. Other early buildings include the Cohen Building, which originally housed the college library, and Staff House, built in 1948 as the Student's Union. Another early structure was the Chemistry Building, built in 1953. With the rapid expansion of student numbers which took place in the 1950s many many academic departments were housed in temporary buildings, colloquially known as 'huts,' which gave the campus the feel of an 'academic army camp.' Though many of the buildings on Hull's campus are of red brick it is not a redbrick university in the strictest sense of the term, as it was not founded as part of the civic university movement of the late Victorian and Edwardian eras. Hull, with its origins in the 1920s, has been categorised as a 'younger civic university' (also referred to as a "Whitetile university") and it is placed between the 'redbricks' and the 'plateglass universities' founded in the 1960s. The university's expansion in recent decades has seen the addition of a variety of building styles: from the traditional older buildings, through 1960s teaching blocks, to modern additions. The first principal of the college was Arthur E. Morgan (1926–1935), the second was John H Nicholson (1935–1956), who also served as the university's first vice-chancellor when the college was granted university status.
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Professional fields:Business, Management & Finance (BMF)
Professional fields:Business, Management & Finance (BMF)
Professional fields:Business, Management & Finance (BMF)
Professional fields:Business, Management & Finance (BMF)
Professional fields:Business, Management & Finance (BMF)
Professional fields:Life Sciences (LS)
Professional fields:Engineering, Computer Science & Mathematics (ECM)
Professional fields:Engineering, Computer Science & Mathematics (ECM)
Professional fields:Engineering, Computer Science & Mathematics (ECM)
Professional fields:Engineering, Computer Science & Mathematics (ECM)

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#MSc Advanced Control and Systems Engineering#
State-Space and Multivariable Control
Digital Control & System Identification
Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Systems
Process Control & Model Predictive Control
1. 这个专业学起来确实是比较难,学起来压力确实不小,也是挺累的。而且曼大的挂科率也不低。科目结课方式主要是以考试为主,80%的成绩是看这个考试的成绩,这个就需要好好准备。如果挂科的话,可以允许你软挂两门,也就是考40-50之间,是可以允许补考的。
2. 上课方式的话主要是lecture为主,也会有一些实验和小组作业。其实我们的作业不是很多,而且说是小组实验,但是最后的报告这些还是得自己写。作业占分20%,也是需要好好准备得。
3. 在曼城生活确实是比较方便,想买的东西基本上都能买到,而且物价比伦敦要低。而且这里玩的地方比较多,各种艺术展,音乐会等等基本上也离学校不是很远,所以就要有很好的自制力,总出去玩的话就没有办法好好学习了。
4. 希望学弟学妹们去之前把控制的专业知识好好看一下,还有就是要掌握基本的操作软件像是NETLIFE这些。因为去了之后学校也不会教,你不会用的话现学会比较麻烦。老师讲课也是比较快的,需要提前做好预习。最重要的是考试前要多刷题,虽然不一定能做到原题,但是通过多做题可以更好的掌握学过的知识。

#MSc Renewable Energy, Enterprise and Management (REEM)#
Renewable Energy: Policy, Politics and Ethics
Renewable Energy: Energy Management
Environmental Impact Assessment
Introduction to Hydro, Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy
Introduction to Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in Science and Engineering
Business Enterprise in Science and Engineering
Introduction to Bioenergy and Photovoltaics
Quantifying Energy Decision Making
Project Management Appreciation

#International Trade Law#
Financing international trade
Foreign direct investment
Legal analysis and writing
The sale contract
The carriage contract
2. 我们专业不是特别好学,中国的法律体制和英国的不一样,整个都需要从头学起。但是老师都特别好。其实每门课你认真学都有切入点,没有特别难的课程。当时我选修了一门欧盟公司法,比较困难。因为要横向比较各个国家法律之间的异同,这个是比较广泛的话题,就比较难总结。我们专业是没有考试的,每门课节课的假期需要完成论文。其他时间主要是自学,有很多的材料要读。
5. 建议来学习的学弟学妹们最好都上个语言课,学习法律有很多的名词是我们平常用不到的。语言课的老师会教你怎么写论文,怎么做脚注,因为国外论文抄袭是非常严肃的,很多细节老师都会非常详细的讲解。上课之前老师会把PPT上传到学生后台系统,所以上课之前一定要下载下来仔细预习,有不认识的单词一定要认真查,不能偷懒,要不然的话真的一年学不下什么。老师上课就是打个卡,也不点名,特别松。如果真正想学习的话,一定要认真。

#Media and Creative Industries MA#
Media and Creative Industries: Critical Perspectives
Collaborative Project
Media and Creative Industries: Context and Pratices
Researching Media Industries
Cultural industries and Creative Labour/Cultural Work
Design Thinking
Global Cities, Media and Communication
Media and Social Movements
Media Audiences, Users and Markets
Media Cultures of South Asia
Media Law and Policy
Social Identities and Media.
1. 我们学校真的挺好的,学生满意度全英第一,这个真的是学校有用心去做,让学生真正的满意。包括从老师到学习环境,考试之后的后续都特别好。比如说,考试嘛,我们专业是没有考试的,一直都是essay和presentation, 一般开学的时候你就会知道这个学期期末要交什么样的论文,这样你就有两三个月去准备。Presentation的话要求也不是很严格,有一次我们老师生病了,就让我们交的presentation视频,这样就不是很紧张了。后期如果说你挂科了,老师会给你安排补考,并不会影响你毕业。而且一学期是可以允许一门课软挂的,其实你后期补考过了,也没有太大问题,而且学校老师特别好说话。
2. 我是在伦敦的校区,是没有campus的。我只在拉夫堡校区读了语言课。伦敦这边我是和朋友合租的house。学校的宿舍studio稍微是有点小,而且价格有点贵,所以我不少很建议住学校宿舍的。最好是和朋友合租house,大家完全不用担心安全问题,因为拉夫堡那个村真的是超级安全,人很少,而且晚上基本上没有什么人。而且学校宿舍你要和别人共用厨房,其实也不是那么方便。三四个人住外面那种二层的house真的是性价比很高,房租也便宜。像我们在伦敦,和朋友一起住的三室一厅apartment,不到一百平,楼下就是到学校的班车,免费的。学校的伦敦校区是不提供宿舍的。租金的话是一周三百磅左右。生活费的话,看你是否出去购物吧,如果不出去购物,普通生活的话一周二百磅吧。
3. 有一门Researching Media Industries比较难,老师是个土耳其老师。这门课主要让你自己做research, 这个也不是很难,是你比较不容易符合老师的要求,分会比较低,基本上都是五六十分。
4. 我们学校有合作推荐,所以我建议在研究生学习中比较空余的时间,或者是毕业后不少有半年的签证嘛,可以去实习,因为在英国有实习经验的话,回国找工作会更容易。我们专业当时合作的是一个慈善公司,但是其实我们学校也有跟英国BBC的合作。