Making the best plan to find a job in the UK
Time:2019-11-19 19:44:33
A timeline, based on real student experience, of what we believe works in helping you balance those study and career choices.
Many students choose to study in the UK because they are looking to launch their career here upon graduation. One year Master’s programmes are an attractive option for students looking to set themselves out from the crowd, but equally give little time to balance studying with looking for that dream job. Thus, an efficient and effective plan is paramount for finding the right job.

In the UK, a one-year Master’s degree is usually divided into four parts:
In the UK, a one-year Master’s degree is usually divided
into four parts:
So, how best to make use of that time to plan your career
alongside your studies?
Many companies offer programmes that see their
recruitment start around a year before the roles themselves begin. Samsung, for
example, open their applications in line with the start of Term 1 for positions
that aren’t actually available until April the following year. This can be a
great way to get an early start, but often students are more focused on the
start of their studies than finding a job or having time to focus on an
application at this stage.
Alternatively, we’ve put together a timeline, based on
real student experience, of what we believe works in helping you balance those
study and career choices.
September to December
This period represents the best time for you to adapt to
life in the UK and start to develop the knowledge around your chosen studies.
At this time, try to focus on building your soft skills, skills that would be
useful in any job. Practice your teamwork and communication, your presentation
skills, and your office skills. You can also try and find some volunteering
work through your university to enrich your experience.
January to March
Here is the time to develop a deeper understanding of
your programme, as well as realising where your strengths lie and what
interests you most about your field. By now you should have a few skills from
the first months of your course to start building a good CV and LinkedIn
profile. Take this time to really enjoy what the UK culture has to offer and
try new experiences to make yourself a more rounded individual.
Moreover, this is a good time to take practice
assessments should you know the companies in which you are interested hold
assessment days. So focus on your numerical and verbal reasoning skills, your
logical and situational skills, and your critical thinking, amongst other
areas. This link should give you more information about the assessment centre
and assessment days run by many companies:
April to June
As term-time draws to a close and your schedule may
become freer, this is a good opportunity to find a summer internship programme
when the applications open. An internship will not only help increase your
employability but will also help acclimatise you to UK office and working life.
You should also be taking this time to visit your
university career centre to help hone your CV and polish up your cover letter
and interview skills. Make sure you’re making the most of everything your
institution has to offer to maximise your chances of getting the best job for
June to September
This final period is where all your hard work hopefully
pays off, and you can apply for the graduate schemes and opportunities that
open at this time. It will be a busy period, combining your dissertation work
with any summer internship you may have achieved, and the effort you will be
putting into job seeking.
A strong plan can help break this down into more manageable pieces. For example;
Opportunity always belongs to well-prepared people.
Think about it early, start it early, submit early, and the
offer for your new job will soon belong to you.
If you have any further questions about study and
self-development in the UK please follow our Facebook and contact us.